woensdag 16 september 2015

Tokyo Treat Premium box, September 2015

Today my Tokyo Treat September box finally arrived! Even with a beautiful bar-code sticker on the front of my box. :P 

Same flyer as the last time but the word August got changed to September.

The back of the flyer shows all products that are in the box like last time, (click on the photo to enlarge it.) I had the premium box again so you get the small, regular and premium rows. 

The first item that I was very eager to try was the Calbee fatty tuna flavored potato chips. However, the fun part about these chips is that there aren't any fish ingredients added to them. They just combined the flavors of avocado, soy sauce and wasabi. 

The chips just look like regular chips, but they aren't as oily as most dutch/american brand chips. I really only tasted the wasabi in these, and I must say that I'm not a fan of wasabi, so I wasn't very fond of these. But when you have more of them you kind of get that tuna taste. 6/10 for them because of the powerful wasabi taste!

 The second item that I tried was the Crackling Panic Cola! popping candy. The packaging looks fun! I really wanted to try these as fast as possible.

The tiny package contained cola-flavored popping candy and little ramune-flavored fizzy tablets. I liked the ramune tablets the most out of both, but the popping candy was also great because the pieces were quite big compared to Pop rocks. They were great together, but I enjoyed eating them seperately more. 7/10!

The third item that I tried were the energy drink flavored Monster Hunter gummies. I've personally never played Monster Hunter but this really looks awesome!

It's a bit hard to see but the gummies were a light orange color. They have some sort of hard shell when you bite into it, and the energy flavor is really pleasant! Just like Red Bull, however i didn't like the texture of the gummy. It was really tough to chew on and it took a while before i finished eating it. The flavor is great though! 8/10!

The fourth item that I tried were the Lotte Koala No March strawberry flavored biscuits. I'm familiar with these biscuits because I absolutely love their creamy milk flavored biscuits, but I've never tried these!

These little biscuits never fail to look absolutely adorable. They have alot of different prints on them! The strawberry filling is smooth and creamy, and they're very yummy! I bet everyone would enjoy these, I've never heard of anyone disliking these biscuits. 9/10!

And so we meet again! I've already done a review of this kit, so I won't be opening this but giving it to a friend instead. 

Same story with this kit! I've already made the Kracie Takoyaki kit before (although I've never written a review about this one) So I'm giving it away to a friend. This kit is fairly easy to make and it's a savory flavored DIY kit instead of a sweet one. I liked the flavors of this kit the last time, and I would recommend it to each and every one of you. If you'd like to see a review about this kit you should go to youtube! There's plenty of explanation videos for this kit. 

The fifth item were the Milky soft candies. I've never been a huge fan of milk and milk products but I did end up giving these a try because I had hoped that they weren't as milky flavored as i thought they would be, but I was very wrong.

The wrapping paper looks nice and colorful. there were quite a few of them in the little package. 

The candy itsself really does look milky and creamy. I really didn't like these candies because they do have that condensed milk flavor. But I bet that every milk lover would go nuts over these little candies. 2/10!

This was the first part of my review about the September 2015 Tokyo Treat box, and stay tuned for part 2! It will probably be up in about 2 days ^^

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