maandag 21 september 2015

Tokyo Treat Premium box, september 2015, Pt. 2

Today i'm tasting the other 7 products of the September Tokyo Treat box.

This item is called Monster stamps, the wrapper looks cute!

The stamps look adorable. They don't taste that great and they were too sweet in my opinion, but if you used them as a stamp they looked fun. I needed to press really hard though for them to be looking good on the paper and on my hand. Cute candy/toy though! 8/10.

This next item is called Baked Cookies & Cream flavored chocolate. The wrapper already tells you that though! I like the color combinations. 

I didn't like these too much though, the texture is very odd and it's kind of crumbly, The flyer says that you can try them frozen too but i didn't. I didn't finish these because I thought they tasted horrible. not that creamy and nothing too special. 2/10.

I was really excited to try this item though! It's called Vegetable Oopsy-Daisy Consommé snack. the packaging is really cute with that whale on the front of it!

There were two bags in the box, both filled with tons of different shaped snacks. There were ducks,carrots,whales,tomatoes and more fun-shaped vegetable flavored snacks! I really liked the taste of them, very savory but in some way a bit vegetable flavored. The snacks are hollow on the inside, and they were quite crunchy! This was far out my favorite product out of this month's box. A solid 10/10! 

I was also excited to try this product because I'm a big fan of savory snacks. These are the Pretz soy flavored pretzel biscuits. Although the packaging somewhat looks as if it could also be chocolate flavored. Kind of confusing!

One pack comes with 2 bags of pretz sticks, but all my pretz were unfortunately broken so i couldn't really take a great picture them. They had a very subtle soy flavor to them though and I absolutely loved these too since I'm a huge fan of soy sauce. But they weren't as good as the Consommé snack crisps though! 9/10.

This month's ''drink'' was a Ribbon's Jelly Grape can drink. The flyer explained; ''You must shake well before drinking to ensure that all of the flavors and contents mix up properly to give the best texture!'' They also showed that if you shake more the jelly bits would become smaller. I didn't shake that much because i love jelly and i was curious to see how it would look. 

Although I really felt that this was more of a jelly snack than a drink. the texture was jelly and you could clearly see the bits in the glass. The grape flavor was quite strong though but i enjoyed this ''drink'' nonetheless. 7/10!

I was actually quite afraid to try this item, it's called Genghis Khan Caramel and  supposedly you can taste the garlic lamb flavors in this caramel. The caramels are light-brown colored and I couldn't get used to the taste at all. I didn't taste the lamb, but I did taste the seasoning and garlic in this and I didn't like it at all and obviously I didn't finish this. There were 18 pieces in one pack I believe but I will probably end up throwing these away! 1/10. 

Rilakkuma pretzel sticks was my last product out of this month's box. So adorable! You were able to get different characters on this box and I ended up getting this cute little chick. 

The wrapper around these pretzel sticks is even more cute than the packaging itsself and these pretzels were just delicious. They had a sweet buttery flavor to them and they had a nice crunch aswell! They were so good that I want more of these! 9/10!

So that's it for this month's box. Next month will contain even more weird products *spoiler alert* like a sweet bean jelly, wasabi pretzels, Poifull, and even a canned pudding drink! Stay tuned and thanks for reading! ^-^

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