zaterdag 8 augustus 2015

Tokyo Treat Premium box, august 2015, Pt. 2

Today i'm finally finishing up tasting stuff from the Tokyo Treat Premium August box.

The next item that i wanted to try was the Look-A-La-Mode chocolates. They came in 4 different flavors. Banana, almond, strawberry and caramel. The packaging of the chocolates was really pretty!

When you open the little box you're greeted by the different flavors and in what rows they are.

When i opened the foil around the chocolates I got to see these tiny, adorable chocolates. However some of them were a bit white, probably due to climate changes and because the weather's been quite hot in my country in the past month. They also melted a bit but that's the risk with chocolate! The first chocolate that I tried was banana. The banana flavor was really powerful and also a little bit sour, I didn't really get to taste the chocolate, It was alright but definitely not as good as the Torotto banana flavored chocolates. The second one that I tried was almond, however I didn't really taste the almond in it at all! Definitely not as powerful as the banana flavor. The third one that I tasted was strawberry, I really liked that one! Not as powerful as the banana flavor but it's very tasty and like a sweet strawberry. I got to really taste the chocolate itsself on this one but I wasn't really impressed by it. The last one was caramel. Again not really tasting the caramel in it, and it's reaaally sweet. I've never really been too fond of chocolate, and I really don't like these ones that much either. all in all I give all four flavors together a 6/10, with strawberry being the best in my opinion.

The second item that I tried probably was the most favorite item in this month's box. These cookies are called Frozen Country Ma'am's White Bear, and I believe this is a limited edition product. The packaging looks great, with a big fruity dessert on the front.

I was actually quite surprised to see that the cookies were individually wrapped! I like the color scheme of the wrappers, it really makes me think of a desert when seeing this. 

 I tried one of the cookies unfrozen, it was alright. Very soft and mushy, I really prefer hard cookies over soft ones, especially when they're chocolate chip ones. These cookies contain tiny bits of chocolate chips, and some sort of fruity center to it. I really tasted some raisins in it aswell. The cookies were way better frozen though! They're really crunchy and obviously very cold, which makes it really great to eat on a hot summer day! The flavoring is fruity, but chocolatey aswell. A great cold snack to eat! I gave these wonderful cookies a 10/10!

The next product that I tried were these Meiji Mr. Sushi Chef's Gummies DIY. The packaging is adorable, and it also describes which flavors are in this little kit. I was curious to open this and make some sushi myself!

Tah-Dah! There were a few more into the packaging but they all sticked together and i couldn't seperate them. But they look adorable when finished! They're really soft and stretchy gummies. They're very chewy and sweet, but the flavors on them are lovely. I didn't really like the banana flavor (rice base) but the plum (red sushi) and lemon (yellow sushi) flavors were truely sweet but amazing. I had fun assembling them! I gave these an 8/10!

The next product that I tried was the Mochi Taro (salt flavor). It's a dagashi snack (traditional japanese), and they're fried. The illustrations on this packaging is cute and looks quite traditional. 

The looks on them is simple and plain, a puffy, fried rice snack. The taste is alright, Nothing too special but they're simple and salty. I even found a tiny peanut in my packaging! They're light and salty, I wasn't really a fan of them but they're alright.

And last but certainly not least, the Fruit-flavored jelly (orange flavor). The packaging is nothing too special.

The smell of it when you open it is pretty strong of orange. And of course it's really jiggly! When you take a bite of it it's really jiggly, and the texture is so weird together with a solid firm piece of orange! it's tasty nonetheless. I give this fruit jelly a 7/10.

This was my first ever japan snack unboxing! Stay tuned for Tokyo Treat Premium box September and more DIY kits and other american/japanese snacks! :)

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